Jewish New Year Books & Coloring Books
The Jewish NEW YEAR is called Rosh – HaShanah. Rosh means ‘head’, Ha means ‘the’ and Shanah means ‘year’. So the name is HEAD of the YEAR, beginning of the year. New Year festival.
This is a very important date on the Jewish calendar and is observed by all Jewish people. The New Year – Rosh Hashanah common traditions are:
- Blessing each other “Shana Tovah” which means have a good year.
- Sending ‘Shana Tovah’ notes and written greetings,
- Eating apples dipped in honey (to have a sweet year),
- Eating head of fish (to be head and not ‘tail’),
- Eating pomegranate – to have many good deeds like the fruits seeds.
Jewish New Year Coloring Book
Here is a coloring book, filled with decorated pages for the Jewish New Year.
The book includes the Rosh Hashanah holiday blessings, greetings, traditional dishes, and foods. And pages with Jewish symbols and decorations for this festival. Decorated texts on floral backgrounds, apples and honey, pomegranates, doves, Star of David, Shofar (ram’s horn) and more.
Click here and buy this book for yourself or to send family or friends. Commission Earned Link
The book includes also pages for Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement, and Sukkot festival which is two weeks after Rosh Hashanah. These three festivals (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur & Sukkot) are known as the season’s High Holy Days. Order the Rosh Hashanah coloring book from Amazon. Commission Earned Link
The coloring book level is suitable for adults, teenagers and kids above 8+.
More Jewish New Year Books – Gifts for Kids
Except for the coloring book, we have more books you might want to get for your own kids or as gifts to family or friends. The books have tale stories for kids, and fun activities they will love to complete and learn about the New Year festival practices and traditions.
Find the Apple & Honey – Find Hidden Objects Book For Rosh Hashanah
Activity book for young ages, with Rosh HaShanah traditional objects. The book is “Search for” type, where the objects are hidden in pages with details and the kids have to look for the apples, the honey jars, the shofar (ram’s horn) and more.
Some objects are easier to find (for the young ones) others are more hidden away.. -Commission Earned Link Order the book and begin the search hunt for the Rosh HaShanah items.
Rosh Hashanah Fun Book For Kids
This book is a fun learning book about the Jewish New Year! The book includes activities, quizzes, mazes, find the differences, and other fun ways to learn about this holiday.
The book is part of a series of books which teaches about Jewish holidays in an engaging and fun way. Helping Jewish kids learn and absorb the main themes of the holiday in a light fun way. The activities help memorizing the traditions without the kids feel they are “learning”.
Order this book and help your kids (or as gift to others) learn about Rosh Hashanah in a fun way. -Commission Earned Link
Rosh Hashanah Banners – Make Shanah Tova Decorations In Hebrew & English
This DIY Do It Yourself decoration book, includes of Hebrew & English banners (blank) kids can color, decorate and cut out to make Jewish New year decorations. Great book for home or for school class, decor for the Jewish New Year. Click here to decorate your home or class for Rosh Hashanah.
With the traditional Shana Tova (have a good year) blessing spread on the banners. The banners have Star of David, Shofar (ram’s horn) apples, pomegranate, and custom holiday decor on them. Order your D.I.Y decoration for this festival. -Commission Earned Link
Make Your Own Shanah Tovah Cards & Envelopes
Send your own crafts greeting cards! Book includes 25 templates of Shanah Tovah greeting cards, and 13 envelopes templates to decorate! Fun activity for young and grownups.
All cards have the Rosh Hashanah main themes, apple and honey, shofar, flowers and pomegranates.-Commission Earned Link Color and send beautiful Rosh Hashana cards, get this book here.
Rosh Hashanah Count Book: Learning To Count 1-10 in Hebrew / English
This book is for kids who are beginning to learn Hebrew. The book includes large colorful images of the Rosh HaShanah traditional items, and the High Holy Days of Yom Kippur and Sukkot. (With the the Four Species – Arba’t Ha Minim).
The kids can count 1-10 in Hebrew and English and learn to recognize the holiday’s main traditional themes.-Commission Earned Link Order this 1-10 Hebrew / English count book as a gift book for kids.
Shanah Tovah!
We hope you enjoy these collection of Rosh Hashanah books, the coloring book, and the other books for kids. Have an awesome sweet wonderful year, and be blessed with success and happiness.