Find the Best Portraits Coloring Book for Grownups
Coloring human portraits is not an easy challenge for colorists. Getting the right skin color and texture, getting the right shades and shadows. The hair and background are also a parameter to take into consideration when coloring portraits. Here are 5 great coloring bonkswhich have people portraits inside them. Each full face and side profiles to color.
Check this clip about how to color human face portrait in coloring books.
Of course you may want to use other techniques to color portrait skin in these books to match it to the content of the book you choose.
Beautiful Women Portraits – Coloring Book: Color 30 Gorgeous Women Faces
This book includes of beautiful women portraits. The sketches are curated from various artists so it is challenging and interesting to color different styles and techniques. All the sketches are full size face of gorgeous women with fascinating eyes! A fun coloring book which every image can be beautiful enough to color and hang around the house. Click here to see more and order this book from Amazon.
African Beauty – Afro Women Coloring Book
A unique style of coloring book brings the African women in to the center of the art. This coloring book includes 30 full face portraits of beautiful African women! Some of them have traditional hair styling and decorations, other have modern style Afro American look. The African women coloring book brings a new challenge for creating and reaching the exact skin color tone. Using darker browns and beige to shade and create the skin texture. Order this book from Amazon.
Gorgeous Stunning Women Coloring Book: Amazingly Beautiful Models, Portraits & Full Body Figures
Another great book of beautiful women portraits! This book has amazingly beauty attractive women faces to color. The images are a collection of artists, some of the most enchanting model face features you can color. The book can be awesome also for those who practice make up and styling to add interesting eyes make up to the beautiful model portraits. Enjoy 30 beautiful faces to color and create the amazing super hot model pages you can. Get this book from Amazon.
Children Portraits – Coloring Book for Adults: Hand Drawn Artist’s Sketches of Sweet Girls
This book brings the portraits coloring into a whole new level! Coloring Children’s portraits is more challenging than regular adults portraits, as their skin is softer and coloring the texture requires delicacy and handling it with the right pencil touches and brush strokes. The book includes 25 images of sweet girls and young teens, in every day scenes and posing smiles. Most of he sketches are by the same artist so you get a similar look and feel to your pages. Order the children’s portraits coloring book from Amazon.
Elderly Portraits Coloring Book: Color Drawings of Senior Citizens and Old Age People Faces
This coloring book includes of 22 elderly people portraits. The sketches are pencil drawings transferred to the coloring book. Coloring old people portraits can be easier than children or beautiful women. The face texture are usually more rough, the age lines are more exquisite and clear when the coloring is complete. For those who like to try coloring elderly portraits this book can be perfect! Try it now, order your copy from Amazon.
Male Model Coloring Book: Hand Drawn Sketches of Men Portraits & Figures in Casual Daily Scenes
This coloring book has male model portraits together with full body and upper body coloring sketches. The book includes drawings by the same artist so the outcome you get is consistent in the look and feel of the colored pages. Coloring male portrait is easier than children portrait or even women portraits, the skin texture is more rough, thick and does not have to be too smooth. While there are plenty coloring books with women faces, there is less variety of coloring men’s portraits. Order this book of men’s portraits from Amazon.
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